The Board of Management of St. Conleth’s Infant School is made up of the following:
- Mr Pat Lonergan, Chairperson, appointed by the Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin
- Mrs Anne Marie O’Connor, Principal
- Deacon Jim Stowe, Patrons Nominee
- Ms Linda O’Driscoll Staff Nominee
- Mrs Caroline Gamble and Mr. James Garvin, Parents Nominees
- Mrs Fiona Maher, & Mrs Aoife Galvin Community Nominees
The Board members assume collective responsibility for all decisions taken in the name of the school.
Both parent representatives are democratically elected by the parents of children currently attending the school.
The Board serves for a four year period and it meets approximately eight times per school year. Its responsibilities include : building projects, appointment of staff, managing and auditing school accounts, ratifying all school policies etc.
If the child of the mother or father’s representatives leaves the school during the term of the Board another election must be held to find a replacement.