Junior Infant Work Pack

Junior Infants

Here are some ideas of activities you can do with your child while the school is closed.

Kind Regards,

Junior Infants Team



  • Revise all sounds in sound bag
  • Use blending box to make CVC words. Revise –at words (e.g. cat, mat, rat)
  • Practise writing the letters: c, o, a, d and g on paper at home (see back for formation)
  • Read books with your child. Get them to tell you about the beginning, middle and end
  • Draw pictures. Cut out pictures from magazines/newspapers.


Oral Language

  • Revise Nursery Rhymes
  • Go on a spring walk (if possible) and look for signs of spring in nature
  • Talk about St Patrick, his life in Ireland and St Patrick’s Day traditions



  • Revise the numbers 1 – 5. Make sets using concrete materials (e.g. Lego/blocks/pasta)
  • Write the numbers 1 – 5
  • What 2-D shapes can you see around the house? Practice drawing and making 2-D shapes (square, circle, rectangle, triangle)
  • Practice Number Rhymes (2 little dickie birds; 1, 2 buckle my shoe; 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed, 5 little ducks went out one day etc.)
  • Forward and backward counting to 10



  • Cé tusa? Is mise… (Introduction: Who are you? I am…)
  • Cén saghas lae é / Conas atá an aimsir? Tá an lá… (Weather: What type of day is it? Today is ….)


If you so wish, you can watch clips of the following on YouTube

  • Alphablocks
  • Numberblocks
  • Numbertime (1 2 3 4 5, shapes)
  • Super Simple Songs