World Book Day was celebrated yesterday Thursday March 5th. It’s aim is to promote the enjoyment of books and reading. The children were busy throughout the week with a wide range of activities. Children designed book markers, read books themselves and wrote their own stories. Some of our children enjoyed a workshop with Jane Landy author of “Gringer the Whinger”. The workshop featured illustration, the story of how the idea for Gringer came about , the process of producing the book and of course a spot of whinging! All of our First classes enjoyed some paired reading with 4th &5th classes from St. .Conleth & Mary’s School. Room 14 had a fantastic morning at Newbridge library with author Emma-Jane Leeson. The children listened to three of the ‘Johnnny Magory’ stories read by Emma. She brought the children through the magical adventures of Johnny with puppets and explanations of the nature in our locality. Emma even played her tin whistle and we all danced.!
A very big thank you to our PA for organizing a very successful book swap on Thursday. Every child went home with a new book. Thanks also to @chloedoyledesign for her beautiful Book week artwork designed especially for our school! There was a super atmosphere on Thursday when everyone dressed up as their favourite book character. Thank you to all our parents who got up so early to dress the children so well for World Book Day. We are looking forward to next year already! 📚