This is a note for the children of Junior Infants from their teachers.
“We all say hello and hope that you’re all being good for your mammies and daddies! We miss seeing you and hearing all your news. Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Keep up the great work at home!”
Miss O’Driscoll, Mrs O’Connor, Miss O’Sullivan, Miss Murray, Miss King and Miss Kavanagh
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please see below some more suggestions of work and activities to keep your children engaged with the curriculum at this time. Junior Infants learn best by constant repetition and revision. It may seem repetitive to you but this is how they consolidate and retain their learning.
As well as this academic work, it is just as important to let your children play and explore their environment. Encourage them to help out with daily activities/chores and to be imaginative and creative at this time.
Throughout the week, you are welcome to email photos of creative writing/colouring pictures/children being active to
We will do our best to display some of your child’s work on our twitter page and school website. Please remember to include your child’s name and room number!
Continue to revise letter formation for c, o, a, d and g.
Move on to letter formation for q and i. See the letter formation sheet below for the rhymes. (use markers, paint, trace letters, playdough or sand!)
YouTube: Let’s Get Squiggling
Continue to revise sounds in the sound bag and make CVC words.
Start making ‘an’ words. (man, pan, van, can, ran, fan)
YouTube: Alphablocks
Continue to read stories at home and sequence beginning, middle and end. Ask questions about what happened in the story. Draw pictures of the story.
Ebooks available on: Complete the registration, set a PIN and you’ll be able to log into BorrowBox
Stories online –
- Count forwards and backwards
- within 10. Start at different numbers.
- Sort your toys/Lego into
- different groups (colour, shape, size)
- Practise number formation
- 1 -5
- Go on a shape hunt! Find
- circles, triangles, squares and rectangles
- Pair your socks
- Make some patterns
- YouTube:
- Numbertime, Numberblocks
Oral Language
- Easter –
- Talk about the Easter Story, Easter traditions (maybe call/skype a grandparent!)
- Life Cycle of the Frog and
- the Chicken
- Spring and enter the code IRLTWINKLHELPS for free resources
- There are free games/activities available here
- Watch a cartoon on TG4
- Make an Easter craft (Pinterest
- is helpful for ideas!)
- Play with playdough or make
- your own!
- Play board games
- What can you make with toilet
- roll tubes?
- Virtual Zoo
- Draw/paint your favourite animal!
- Make Jigsaws
Stay Active
- Go for walks/cycles if possible
- YouTube:
- Cosmic Yoga
- YouTube:
- The Body Coach (Joe Wicks has Kids Workouts and PE lessons)