Junior Infants Home Learning – June Week 3 and 4
Dear parents,
Can’t believe we’re writing this, but here is the final two weeks of home learning for Junior Infants. This has been quite a year we think you’ll agree! Thank you for all of your support in facilitating Home Learning for your children over these past few months. You are nearly at the finish line! We understand that it may be getting harder for you and the children to keep those motivation levels up but just do what you feel is best. Remember that play is just as important as sitting down to the books.
Week 3 would have been Active Week in school, packed full of lots of fun activities! We have suggested some daily Active Week at Home Challenges for the whole family to try. Keep an eye on the school Twitter (https://twitter.com/SCInfantSchool) too for some more suggestions! We would love to see some photos of what you get up to on Active Week and if you’d like to share them to our Twitter page, email room1@stconlethinfantschool.ie
Also check out the Active Schools Website! https://activeschoolflag.ie/index.php/active-home-week-2020/
We will be in touch with you all about a final Zoom on Week 4. Maybe the children would like to share a nice memory from Junior Infants or tell us what they got up to during Active Week!
Thank you again for your support.
Dear children,
We can’t believe we are coming to the end of Junior Infants with you all. We have loved teaching you all and we are also very proud of you and how hard you have all worked at home. Also we have heard you’ve been such good girls and boys at home! Keep it up over the Summer. We will see you all soon on Zoom. Enjoy Active Schools week. Keep active, get fresh air and enjoy some of the activities we planned for you.
Have fun!!
Ms O’Driscoll, Mrs O’Connor, Ms O’Sullivan, Ms Murray, Ms Kavanagh and Ms King
Week 3 – Active Week
Monday 15th June
After reading, discuss the rhyming words – can you hear them? E.g sea- me, wide- hide- inside
Youtube: Let’s Get Squiggling https://youtu.be/WBqB5rCrrZo
Tuesday 16th June
A fun Drama game for the whole family 1 – 10. The aim of the game is to get to the number “ten”. Everyone must look at the floor so there is no eye contact. Anyone starts by saying “one”. Any other person will continue by saying “two” and so on until you reach “ten”. If any two people say a number at the same time, you must all start again at “one”. You can adapt and change the game the next time you play by changing your voices or jumping/hopping when you say a number.
Wednesday 17th June
Complete Page 89 Cracking Maths book.
Thursday 18th June
Under the Sea meditation – play this from You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjgPkzkuVBM Or do your own- Ask your child to find a quiet place to sit or lie down. Ask them to close their eyes and tell them to think about a make believe place – in a submarine under the sea. Say – Imagine how it looks- What can you see? Is it colourful? How does it sound? What can you hear? How does it feel? Do you feel warm or cold? How does it smell? Can you smell the ocean? Do you feel relaxed? When you have finished your guided meditation ask your child to gently open their eyes and they can tell you all about their journey. If your child struggles to relax during this you can describe it for them e.g there are many colourful fish swimming past, you can hear a dolphin etc
Friday 19th June
say Deir Ó’Grádaigh bí ag rith, siúl etc and child does the action. You can also let your child be the leader or the múinteoir and call out the action!
Week 4 – Final Week and Class Zoom
Monday 22nd June English
Tuesday 23rd June
Wednesday 24th June
Ask your child to make a set of 3, 4 etc and ask how many will there be if I add 1 or 2 more? e.g Say ‘I had 2 I added 3 more and then I had 5 altogether’. ‘I have 1 crayon and 3 pieces of lego, how many do I have altogether?’
1 a haon 2 a dó 3 a trí 4 a ceathair 5 a cúig 6 a sé 7 a seacht 8 a hocht 9 a naoi 10 a deich
After reading the story of Sharing a Shell, play some underwater music from You tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8j8oDOVBWkM , ask your child to roleplay being a sea creature. They can choose one from the story or their favourite sea creature. They can do this with sound or through mime. |
Thursday 25th June
Write a word that reminds you of school on a page and decorate it. It might be happy, friends, playground etc. send your picture to room1@stconlethinfantschool.iefor the Twitter page!
Sharing – Talk about how we share at home, in school, with our friends. We all have important roles at home just like the creatures who shared a shell. Ask your child what ways they share? What are they good at sharing at home? |
Friday 26th June
Write/copy a sentence or 2 in your news copy about what you enjoyed in Junior Infants and draw a picture to go with it. Read the sentence if you can!
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