Dear Parents/Guardians,
With further school closures confirmed, we have compiled a list of suggested work for the children to do at home.
Here are some ideas of activities you can do with your child when the school is closed.
Thank you for your continued co-operation and we hope this is helpful to you all.
Kind Regards,
Senior Infants Team
- In addition to the activities in the first work pack sent out with your child’s books and copies please find some of the following additional activities helpful
- Please find below tricky word box tables which can be used as colouring/ oral language activities. With these tables each child can sound out/ read each word and put it into a sentence. If they can do this, they colour in the box. In addition to this when colouring in the boxes your child can try and make a pattern.
- Your child can also practice writing these tricky words.
- In the handwriting book children can practise some of the Uppercase/Capital letters. We would recommend doing one letter in the book every 2-3 days.
- Read books with your child. Get them to tell you about the beginning, middle and end. Get them to guess what’s coming next or how they think the story will end.
- Draw pictures. Cut out pictures from magazines/newspapers in order to make collages.
- In the word family booklet children can revise a word family every 2-3 days (don’t complete booklet). Write in words from each word family and draw accompanying pictures. Practice making sentences with these words and telling stories with as many of these words as possible.
- We hope that the blank copy is going well, and they are writing a sentence or two each day saying what they did and who they were with as a running journal. Continue to practise writing sentences using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
- Also, in the blank copy please find attached below another list of simple sentences that you can dictate to the children (call out the phrases and ask the children to write them down)
Oral Language
- Revise Nursery Rhymes
- Go on a spring walk (if possible) and look for signs of spring in nature
- Talk about Easter and Easter traditions.
- Talk about animals, their young and where they live.
- Discuss the life cycles of various animals and insects (chicken, frog, butterfly etc.)
- Discuss spring flora and fauna and how to take care of plants.
- Please find below some story cards with various random words on it. Allow your child to pick a random picture or 2. They then tell a story using both of these pictures or put both of these words into sentences.
- When developing your child’s numeracy skills, it is very important to focus on the basics. We ask that you keep working on all of the activities that we sent out in the initial pack. Along with these activities please find these extra guidelines beneficial to both you and your child.
- If possible complete a new page in the Busy at Maths Home link book every 2-3 days.
- Explore, discuss, develop and use the vocabulary of spatial awareness – above, below, right, left, etc.
- Use the language of ordinal number: first, second, third, last
- You and your child can make up a story to go with a number sentence _ 3+2+5=10. Try and use examples from the environment around your child e.g. I had 3 books, my dad gave me 2, and I found 5 more. I had 10 altogether.
- The topic for the coming weeks both before and after the Easter break is weight and one of the best ways to consolidate this topic is by using scales during certain activities such as cooking and baking.
- The following website is very useful for both literacy and numeracy as it contains many games and activities you can play with your child.
- Cé tusa? Is mise… (Introduction: Who are you? I am…)
- Cén saghas lae é / Conas atá an aimsir? Tá an lá… (Weather: What type of day is it? Today is ….)
- Encourage the children to use our informal gaeilge (dún an doras – close the door, las na soilse – turn on the light etc.)
- There are a lot of fantastic, easy and creative ideas on Pinterest and the following link has some easy activities that apply to all curricular areas
Active Learning
These links below provide you with some fun activities to help keep your children active and engaged during the day
- sign up)
- Wicks Body Coach)
If you so wish, you can watch clips of the following on YouTube
- Alphablocks
- Numberblocks
- Numbertime (1 2 3 4 5, shapes)
- Super Simple Songs
- Tricky Word Dance Song
- Phonic Jingles)
- (The Singing Walrus Music Channel)
Also, as you may be aware Jonathan Seaton, the CEO of Twinkl has in light of recent developments in relation to Covid-19, offered his support to parents’ pupils and children. Twinkl are offering all parents and teachers a One Month FREE Ultimate Membership to This will allow parents and teachers unlimited access to every single resource for every single curriculum subject from junior infants to sixth class.
Setting this up is really easy to do – go to and enter the code IRLTWINKLHELPS. We’d like your support to get this message out.
Phrases for Dictation (Blank Copy)
Only attempt 2-3 of these phrases at a time.
- jug on rug
- bug in log
- dog on mug
- sand on land
- ball in hand
- band in hall
- car on shell
- a far bell
- the bar fell
- flip the bed
- dip the pen
- flip the tin